Animal companions are a vital component of a happy, joyous life at any age. But as we grow in years, we may forget how immensely having the unconditional love of an animal friend can impact our lives. We may begin to focus on the physical and financial responsibility of caring for another life; not to […]
The Benefits of Pet Companionship for Seniors
Using animals to offset emotional and physical problems and to improve quality of life is known as animal-assisted therapy or pet therapy. Pet therapy is especially helpful for seniors who as a group commonly experience loneliness, depression, and various health issues. “We know from studies that interacting with pets can have a direct influence on […]
Staying Healthy 65 Years, and Then Some
Recently I met with a nurse that came to my home compliments of my Medicare supplemental health care provider. I was told this visit would cost me nothing and was to be an overview of my present health care, prescriptions, etc. Have you done this? The nurse was surprised at the fact I have never had […]