Enrolling in Medicare is a complicated — but necessary — process that most seniors have to face. Not only do you have to navigate the complicated enrollment procedure, but you also have to sift through several different plans to find one that meets your medical and financial needs. Here are some quick tips and resources from Alive65 that can help you along the way.
Get Moving for National Senior Health & Fitness Day on May 31
National Senior Health and Fitness Day is the nation’s largest annual health promotion event for older adults and is celebrated on the last Wednesday in May. This year, the date is May 31st and the theme is “With Movement, There’s Improvement!”. Older adults—regardless of age—are encouraged to participate in NSHFD events being held at more […]
Late in Life Marriage
Starting a new romance in your golden years comes with unique challenges. You may be anticipating a certain dating scene but come across a very different romantic landscape. The circumstances that may have initiated or disintegrated previous partnerships have likely vastly evolved. New technology, old traditions, changing politics and grown children could all play a […]
Stevia: The Sweet choice for Seniors
From coarse granules, to liquid drops, and packets of fine powder, various versions of stevia seem to be available just about everywhere these days. If you aren’t familiar with the sweet stuff, here’s a quick run-down: The stevia plant (stevia rebaudiana) produces sweet-tasting, calorie-free leaves which can be crushed or dried to sweeten foods and […]
Lower Blood Pressure with Red Wine
By now, many people have heard that red wine may provide positive health benefits when consumed, especially when it comes to heart health and blood pressure levels. As with most things that sound too good to be true, though, people wonder “What’s the catch?” “How much red wine is the right amount?” “How often should […]
Balanced Nutrition Tied to Successful Aging
Good nutrition for older adults is especially important. As we age, our bodies process food differently. This in turn can affect our dietary needs, appetite and even how food tastes. Although there may be a natural decline in one’s appetite during aging, maintaining a well-balanced diet is key to successful aging and overall health and […]
Late in Life Dating
Dating can be a daunting task as you enter your golden years. The pain of losing a spouse to natural causes, chronic illness, or a devastating accident can deter some from seeking love again. Likewise, ending a long marriage to a nasty divorce or gradual drifting apart may color your view on romance in general. […]
Technology and Senior Health
Baby Boomers continue to live long and healthy lives well into their 80’s. For society, it has enormous implications on how to care for an aging population in a way that keeps them independent. According to the Census Facts For Features, 44.7 million senior citizens 65 and older existed on July 1st, 2013. By 2060 […]
The Benefits of Gardening for Seniors
Gardening is one of the most satisfying and therapeutic activities a senior adult can tackle independently. Many can enjoy the satisfaction of creating something from virtually nothing. What begin as tiny seeds which germinate into something that’s living and bearing edibles is almost tantamount to magic. Planting vegetables and flowers is an exciting activity, regardless […]
How Coffee Can Help Fight Heart Disease
As many of us know heart disease, specifically coronary heart disease, is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. In fact, it accounts for approximately 1 out of 4 deaths each year. Heart attacks and heart failure are a large concern for most of the national and even […]
3 Keys to Going Gluten-Free
As you age your body goes through many changes. A lifetime of eating habits may suddenly need to be adjusted if you find yourself feeling weak, tired, bloated or in pain when you eat certain foods. The onset of dietary allergies, intolerance or sensitivities can be gradual. Or it can hit you swiftly and cause […]