Aches, pains, fever, stuffy nose and fatigue are symptoms with which we are all familiar. Flu season is coming. After the age of 65, you aren’t more susceptible to flu, contrary to popular opinion. You are, however, far more likely to experience complications. Tens of thousands of seniors are hospitalized and influenza is the trigger. […]
Physical Activities for Seniors: Practical Guidelines
“Physical inactivity is the fourth-leading cause of global mortality from non-communicable diseases behind high blood pressure, smoking, and high glucose levels.” ~ World Health Organization. Here is a practical guide with tips for maintaining physical activity regardless of age.
Staying Healthy 65 Years, and Then Some
Recently I met with a nurse that came to my home compliments of my Medicare supplemental health care provider. I was told this visit would cost me nothing and was to be an overview of my present health care, prescriptions, etc. Have you done this? The nurse was surprised at the fact I have never had […]
Welcome to Alive65
Every year millions reach traditional retirement age. However, thanks to advancements in medicine, education, and society as a whole, retirement age is just the beginning of the most enjoyable time of life. It’s in this spirit that we created Alive65, Health and Wellness for Seniors. Here’s to your health… As we age often the determining […]
MEMOIRS – Let’s Get Creative
Somewhere in our twilight years, it occurs to us that we have a story that is worth sharing. The truth is, everyone over fifty has a long and colorful history, a veritable goldmine of anecdotes. This is one of the precious few perks of aging – accumulated experience. No one human being can possibly live […]
How to Find a Trustworthy Charity for Your Donation
This is a test
6 More Simple Ways to Ease Your Stress
Excess stress can wreak havoc on the body, and pose a major threat to your health and happiness as you age. The “crisis management” solution to chronic and acute stress may come as a long overdue vacation, or perhaps even a breakdown. But to maintain stress levels long-term and make sure you are taking control […]
Is it too late for love?
Finding true love at any age can be a precarious proposition even in the best of scenarios. But, how about when we begin to enter our senior years? Are things different now than when you were younger? Are your experiences and gained wisdom just getting in the way? How do you even go about finding […]
Hearing Loss: Cochlear Implants
As people age, they are likely to suffer a gradual loss of hearing. Years ago hearing loss for seniors was not treated with a cochlear implant but a new study funded by the makers of cochlear implants reveals that seniors with severe hearing loss demonstrated better mood and cognitive abilities after a cochlear implant. While […]
Meditation – Eliminate Stress, Frustration and Anger (Part Two)
Meditation is training your mind to be focused upon the present moment. By staying within the present moment, you allow your body and mind to become more open to reality as it is. You will become able to see things as they really are without coloring the present reality with your desires and attachments; or […]