If you had chicken pox as a child, you may not remember how uncomfortable it was. But if you ever developed shingles, a disease caused by the same virus responsible for chicken pox, you’ll likely never forget the experience. It’s hard to put the blistery red, painfully itchy rash out of your mind, even years […]
How Coffee Can Help Fight Heart Disease
As many of us know heart disease, specifically coronary heart disease, is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. In fact, it accounts for approximately 1 out of 4 deaths each year. Heart attacks and heart failure are a large concern for most of the national and even […]
3 Keys to Going Gluten-Free
As you age your body goes through many changes. A lifetime of eating habits may suddenly need to be adjusted if you find yourself feeling weak, tired, bloated or in pain when you eat certain foods. The onset of dietary allergies, intolerance or sensitivities can be gradual. Or it can hit you swiftly and cause […]
Seniors and Diabetes: Vision Loss and Difficulties
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of many complications associated with Diabetes. It is a perilous and destructive condition because its onset is like a swift and sudden tidal wave that crashes on the shore without any warning signs or symptoms. For this reason, seniors with diabetes are always advised to have eye exams at least […]
Alzheimer’s: What You Can Do to Keep Your Mind Sharp
You have probably been advised by your physician that once you have Alzheimer’s all you can do is hope for the best and wait for a pharmaceutical cure to be discovered. Well, the truth about this disease is far more encouraging. According to current research, scientific test patients have been able to reduce the risk […]
Yoga: A Gate-Way to Win Over Diabetes
Yoga can be an effective part of your diabetes management regimen.
4 More Ways to Cut Carbs and Stay Satisfied
It becomes more important with each passing year for you to take control of your health and really invest in your diet and exercise routine. As you age paying attention to what you eat, how much you eat, and how often can have a great effect on your health. With certain swaps, additions and deductions […]
How to Keep Arthritis Under Control During the Cold Season
Arthritis can give seniors a pretty hard time during the cold season. Symptoms like joint pain, swelling, joint stiffness and tiredness tend to worsen in the time of autumn and winter, both due to thermal discomfort and lack of physical activity. But don’t worry! There are several easy ways you can manage these issues. Complications of […]
Healthy, Happy Heart Care for People Over 65
Many people over the age of 65 believe the risks of heart disease become inevitable with age. Although heart disease is a threat to the health of seniors, with up to 84 percent of those over 65 diagnosed with it, there are plenty of ways to keep your heart healthy and happy. Heart disease is […]
Top 5 Not-Teas That Help Your Health
Drinking tea can do wonders for your health, especially as you age. White tea, green tea, matcha and fermented teas can help your health in many ways. Antioxidants and other compounds in true teas made from the camellia senensis plant have been found to improve immunity, skin, health, mood, and the risk of cardiovascular disease […]